Mental Health & Apps

Social Prescribing - linking patients to non-medical support in their community.

Mental Health Information Station 

Drop-in Service from 10.30am to 3pm Thursdays

Where? 'A Sense of Some Place' in the Walpole Hall, (next to St Mary's Cathedral), Palmerston Place EH12 5AW Edinburgh. The Mental Health Information Station continue to offer general mental health advice and information by email & phone You can speak with a mental health-trained staff member by phone on a Thursday between 10.30 am and 3.30 pm. Please call on 0131 537 8688 and ask for the MHIS. at any time with specific queries and/or a request for a callback. 

The Information Station offers: Faster self-service access to individuals Psychological self-help guides and resources Support groups signposting Provide standardised information on conditions and medication Support for Carers Link with community resources 

No appointment needed

North East Edinburgh Counselling (NEEC) 

Accessible counselling for all in North East Edinburgh - North East Edinburgh Counselling Service – NEECS provides accessible counselling for people over 16 in North East Edinburgh (

Mental Health self-Health Guides - Self-help guides written by NHS clinical psychologists with contribution from healthcare staff and service users. The guide offers opportunity for you to find out more about the cause of mental health issues and provides tools to work through your feelings and emotions. They are available in a range of formats including easy reading, BSL and audio. Titles include: Anxiety, Depression and Low Mood, Stress, Controlling Anger, Sleep and many more. This can be uploaded as an app, search for self-help, you will find 3 orange books icon, upload this.

USEFUL SELF-HELP WEBSITES  - This is the main mental health website for Edinburgh. It contains lots of helpful information and links to self-help resources and information about local events, organisations and counselling agencies. Counselling gives you an opportunity to talk confidentially about your experiences and feelings with someone who will listen carefully to help you look at your life and your feelings in order to seek possible changes. Counselling is offered by voluntary organisations who will often request a financial donation based on what you can afford. It is best to speak with the relevant organisation about this. A full list of counselling agencies is available on this website.

A good night's sleep has perhaps never been more important. Sharing wisdom and debunking myths, sleep scientist Matt Walker discusses the impact of sleep on mind and body -- from unleashing your creative powers to boosting your memory and immune health -- and details practices you can start (and stop) doing tonight to get some rest. - Living Life to the Full is an online life skills course, aimed at people who would like to develop their skills in coping with anxiety and depression.  Users are required to register on the site to access worksheets, guides etc. - This website provides therapy resources; worksheets, information sheets and self help mp3sCognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) steps 1-7 aim to help people develop an understanding of their unhelpful thinking patterns. CBT has been proven to help mental health problems - Audio guides to boost your mood.

Australian site with self help materials on depression, panic, self-esteem,

Health anxiety, worry and rumination, assertiveness, sleep, distress tolerance, self compassion,  

bipolar, Disordered eating, perfectionism and social anxiety. 

http:/ Self-help information on depression, anxiety, stress,

panic and sleep problems for both the public & professionals. - Developed by service users to provide information on dialectical

behaviour therapy. Emotion regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and

mindfulness skills are discussed. – (Self injury Guidance and Network support) support all people who are affected in anyway by self injury. - Information on mindfulness.

Other mindfulness resources: Headspace and Youtube; Guided mindfulness Mark Williams.

Digital Apps Library - You can find a wide verity of mental health apps available on NHS Moodzone e.g. Calm, Beat Panic, Be Mindful, Calm Harm, Change it, Chill Panda, Couch to 5K, My Positive Self, Sleep Station.


Health in Mind - Mental health charity supporting positive mental health and wellbeing. Services include counselling and trauma counselling; befriending; guided self-help; support for people from minority ethnic communities; combating isolation by connecting people within their local community; art therapy; outdoor conservation for greater wellbeing; suicide prevention; support with substance misuse; mental health and wellbeing information; training and much more. You can sign up for most workshops/groups directly and for some, you would simply ask your GP to refer you. You can explore what is available on their website or Tel: 0131 225 8508.

Thistle Foundation – Health and wellbeing service offering support to people living with one or more long-term health conditions, such as MS, arthritis, depression, chronic fatigue or PTSD. Some of the services offered: self-management course, mindfulness workshops, young people’s project, veteran’s, programme, and men’s shed where men can socialise and spend time on their terms. Full details are available on their website. Website: Tel: 0131 661 3366. Drop in visits welcome : 13 Queen's Walk, Edinburgh EH16 4EA


Free 6 week evening classes; each week focuses on a different aspect of stress, how it affects us and how to cope with it. Classes are run in a lecture format with 20-40 people often attending during the day and up to 100 in the evening. You will never be asked to talk in front of the group or singled out. You will be given a booklet to accompany the class.

Contact: Health in Mind 0131 225 8508   Email              Dates of the next classes can be found on the Edspace website under Events.    


Small groups of up to 15 people where you can participate in discussion, share experiences and practice methods of managing anxiety. Telephone and register your interest by leaving your name and contact details on the answering machine. A course facilitator will then get in touch with you to tell you about the course and discuss if it’s right for you. Courses are run in various venues across Edinburgh. Each course lasts for an hour and a half each week.

Health All Round on 0131 337 1376

TELEPHONE BASED HELP - for help with low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety. Psychological therapy approach focused on here and now, 6-9 telephone sessions working with a qualified therapist.   Guided Self- Help – speaking with a self-help coach who guides you through a series of workbooks over 4-8 weeks.   Offered by NHS 24.                                                         

Call: 0800 328 9655      Monday - Friday 1pm-9pm  Free from a landline                 


HEALTHY ACTIVE MINDS - For those with mild to moderate low mood, anxiety and depression.

A physical activity programme which aims to help you improve your mental well being. A 12 week physical activity action plan will be agreed along with one to one consultation and support from specialist project staff.  A free Edinburgh Leisure card will entitle you to free access to swim, gym and fitness class visits at off peak times, for a 12 week period in Edinburgh Leisure facilities. A programme will be developed to suit your lifestyle and needs, and can incorporate different forms of physical activity. Speak to your GP or Practice Mental Health Nurse (Robyn Blackwood) about a referral if you are interested.

Hibernian Community Foundation -– Offers health & wellbeing programmes to all age groups. Fit For Change, Healthy Hibee and Still Game courses are just a few. Find more information phone:0131 656 7062 website:


Edinburgh Crisis Centre              0808 801 0414   Local confidential helpline 24 hours.                                                                

07974 429 075   Text number you can text them and they will call you back.     


                                                    Offers sensitive, one to one support and information on a primarily face-to-face basis. The centre also provides a safe private space for people in distress to receive support, including overnight accommodation if required.      

Mental Health Assessment Service         Tel: 0131 537 6000         Available 24 hours.

MHAS based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital offers an emergency/crisis mental health assessment service for people under 65yrs where required, who are experiencing mental health crisis. MHAS is a nurse led service. If an assessment is carried out this assessment will be shared with your health care provider, usually you’re GP. Once you have been assessed MHAS if required may then sign post you or refer you on to an appropriate service.                                                                      

Breathing Space                           0800 8385 87 (6pm -2am weekdays and 24hrs at weekends)

They offer support in times of difficulty to provide a safe and supportive Space by listening, offering advice and providing information.

Samaritans                                0131 116 123                 Local branch 9am – 10pm.                                                    

0845 790 9090               National confidential helpline 24 hours              


NHS 24                                     111                               Available 24 hours

Mental Health Community Centre North East -  We are Change Mental Health (  Tel: 0131 557 0718

The Stafford Centre (Broughton Street) is a community resource for people experiencing enduring mental health difficulties often in contact with secondary mental health services. The centre operates as a Drop-In where people can enjoy the company of others in a relaxed, friendly and safe environment and begin to build supportive networks. They offer groups and structure actives, full detail of their programme is available on their website. 


The Outlook Project - runs educational courses for those using mental health services. Information

from Springwell House, Ardmillan Terrace, Edinburgh EH11 2JL.Tel: 0131 537 7571.

Forth Sector – Employment service for those with mental health problems. Unit 1 Block 3 Peffermill Industrial Estate, 12 King's Haugh, Edinburgh EH16 5UY Tel: 0131 539 7374

Volunteer Edinburgh – There are hundreds of ways to volunteer all over Edinburgh. No matter who you are, how much or how little time you have or why you want to volunteer, there is role that is just right for you.

Contact: Tel: 0131 225 0630 or drop in to Volunteer Edinburgh 222 Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH6 5EQ

Community Hubs - Offering support in your local community with a wide variety of activities for all ages.

Craigentinny Community Centre Tel: 0131 661 8188 or email:

Northfield & Willowbrae Community Centre Tel: 0131 661 5723 or email:

The Ripple Tel: 198 Restalrig Road South, Edinburgh, EH7 6DZ. Tel: 0131 554 0422 email:

Community Link Workers at St Triduanas surgery

The surgery has two Community Link Workers based at the surgery, Alison Leitch and Rebecca Goodman. Link workers can help you to find services, groups and activities that you may enjoy and that could benefit your health and wellbeing. Link workers can also support you to contact and/or attend the services, groups and activities that you are interested in.

If you are interested and suitable for support from a Link Worker, a member of staff within the practice will refer you (Self-referrals are not permitted).

Useful support services

Women’s Aid  - 0800 027 1234 or 0131 315 8110

Victim Support - 0845 603 9213

The Advice Shop - 0131 200 2360          Address: 249 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ

Edinburgh Housing Partnership – Provide information to people in a variety of settings to enable them to avoid homelessness. Phone:0845 302 4607 website:

Advocard – Is an independent advocacy service for mental health services users in Edinburgh. They are independent of other mental health services provided by the statutory and voluntary sectors. This enables us to stand alongside the person we are working with and to support them without any conflict of interest arising. 332 Leith Walk. Tel: 0131 554 5307 Email:


Art workshops take place every Tuesday morning 10.30 – 12.30 at Piershill Library.

Taking part in art activity can enhance a person’s health and wellbeing and reduced stress and anxiety. More communication and social interaction can increase confidence and can provide a distraction from pain/anxiety in order to improve daily functioning.

Leith Men’s Shed

 A community for all men, working together to improve men’s health, connection and wellbeing. Members can engage in a range of activities with opportunities for mentoring and sharing skills or learning new ones. The Men’s Shed is designed to be a social and practical place where any man with time on his hands can find a sense of purpose, can go to make, repair or upcycle things, use tools, relax and/or make friends. Alongside DIY and woodwork, Men’s Sheds can also offer opportunities for arts, crafts, board games, computing, cooking and reading combined with the all-important ingredients of friendship and banter. The project is open to men of all ages. We meet every Tuesday from 2pm - 5pm at The Edinburgh Tool Library Workshop, 67 Commercial Street, Custom Lane, Leith. For more details please call either: Alan Silcock Tel: 0754 820 6142Email: or Charlie Tel: 0794 684 3882